Middleton Maintenance Advisory Committee (MMAC)

The Middleton Maintenance Advisory Committee (MMAC) was established by Resolution 2023-09 of the Middleton Downtown Community Development District (MDCDD) and is comprised of a Board Supervisor from Middleton Downtown Community Development District and Middleton Community Development District – A.  The establishing resolution provides the MMAC will provide input, explore issues and provide advice and recommendations to the MDCDD on issues related to the maintenance of Project Wide Improvements. Among other items outlined in the ordinances, the MMAC duties include:

Project Wide Improvement Responsibilities:

  • Review and recommend the annual budget to the MDCDD, review budget to actual statements and recommend all capital expenditures through or outside of the budget process as necessary as it pertains to the Project Wide Fund.
  • Review and recommend contract renewals and bid/proposal awards to the Board related to the Project Wide Improvements.
  • Explore significant and important issues pertaining to the Project Wide Improvements as they arise and provide advice and recommendations to the MDCDD.

Please use the following links to view the adopted MDCDD Resolutions in their entirety:

Middleton Maintenance Advisory Committee Members
  • Joe Ricciardi – MCCD-A Representative – Chairmen
  • Don Levens – Middleton Downtown Representative – Vice Chairmen

Contact Us

District Administration
3571 Kiessel Road
The Villages, Florida 32163

Email Middleton District 

Business Hours
8 AM to 5 PM, EST
Monday – Friday
Excluding Holidays