To combat any misinformation that exists within the community surrounding certain topics and issues, the District will provide information, fact sheets and Q&As to help alleviate any confusion on these matters.
When you read something or hear a rumor somewhere, please take a moment to “fact check” before getting concerned or passing along misinformation. In a community this large, misinformation can be one of our biggest challenges.
Recently, we’ve received several inquiries regarding certain materials used in the Middleton parks and playgrounds, specifically concerning the quality and safety of the mulch selected for these areas. The safety of the residents and children who enjoy the parks and recreation amenities in Middleton remains a top priority to the District and something that we take very seriously. To alleviate any uncertainties on this matter, we’d like to provide some additional information regarding the careful consideration and attention to safety that went into selecting the materials used in the Middleton parks and playgrounds.
Reviewing the Public Playground Safety Standards and Guidelines as published by the National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA), the appropriate surfacing should be tested to the ASTM F1292 standard by the Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI). In this case, an engineered wood fiber was selected as it provides many benefits, such as porosity and easily absorbing water. The material is unlikely to splinter since the engineered wood fiber comes from the inner part of the tree. Engineered wood fiber’s ability to compress makes it a smooth surface enough for people with wheelchairs to use safely. There are many benefits to this
material and much research was done to determine that prior to selection.
The product chosen is Kid-Safe Playground Mulch and has all of the following qualifications/certifications:
As you can see, extensive research was done and careful attention was given to ensure the quality and safety of the materials utilized in these areas, For any maintenance requests or other issues such as insect control, you can email and we will promptly address your concern.
Seat 3: Brandon Matulka – 4-year term (938 votes)
Seat 4: Lane Munz – 2-year term (945 votes)
Seat 5: Bob Trinh – 4-year term (952 votes)
Thurston Park is now open for your enjoyment!
Effective October 1, 2024, a new service provider will handle residential sanitation
accounts for Districts 12, 13, and 14. Collection days will not be affected; however pickup
times may vary. Bulk trash pickup for the new service area is included in your monthly rate
and must be scheduled by calling Utility Billing Customer Service at 352-750-0000.
All household waste should be placed in a sealed tall kitchen trash bag or a 20-30 gallon
trash bag of any color. All materials can be placed in the same bag; no need to sort.
Garbage cans or bins are not permitted, and trash bags should be placed together at the
end of your driveway. Each bag should weigh no more than 40 pounds. Bags must be
placed for collection before 6 AM on your collection day, or the night before but no sooner
than 5 PM. Deed Restrictions do not permit leaving trash out on undesignated collection
District Administration
3571 Kiessel Road
The Villages, Florida 32163
Email Middleton District
Phone: 352-751-3939
Fax: 352-753-6430
Business Hours
8 AM to 5 PM, EST
Monday – Friday
Excluding Holidays
Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request,
do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
Public Records Custodian
Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials regarding State or Local business
are public records available to the public and media upon request. Please forward requests to:
Jennifer Farlow, District Clerk
3571 Kiessel Road,
The Villages, Florida 32163
Phone: 352-751-3939 • Fax: 352-753-6430